Wandering Goat Coffee
Psychedelic T-Shirt
Psychedelic T-Shirt
It’s funny how internal terms, often used as a placeholder, can end up sticking around for longer than intended; for example, our Psychedelic T-shirts. Are they truly psychedelic? Does it live up to British psychologist Humphry Osmond’s original definition of the term as "mind manifesting" from the Greek words “psyche” (for mind or soul) and “deloun” (for show)? Does it conjure surrealistic subject matter, warp both positive and negative space, or reflect the “Horror vacui” style of art? However the term can be applied, and whether or not our application fits the intended meaning, here we are hopefully understanding one-another.
FABRIC: 55% hemp and 45% organic cotton
To prevent shrinkage, wash cold and tumble dry low. Washing hot and drying hot can cause your shirt to shrink up to half a size.